Photo Credit: Melissa Bunni Elian /The Bronx Artist Documentary Project.

My partners and I thrive on mutual inspiration.

I’m honored to have been a part of these collaborative efforts. Each partnership has a place within my own personal artistic journey and I grow each time I step outside the studio and work with a new creative dynamic.


TandEm NYC

I was asked to collaborate with Tandom NYC on a poster for Representative Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez’s Green New Deal series. The experience proved to be a very rewarding one, and it meant a lot to be able to honor my Puerto Rican heritage while painting a vision of a new future. Clicking on the image above will take you to AOC’s shop where you can purchase the Plaza Del Totem poster.

Studio Birdhaus/Brandon Perdomo

I have been fortunate enough to be interviewed by Brandon Perdomo for his project SHEDDINGSOMETHINGSHEDDING (2021) “A space where practice meets testimony, as independent artists share their stories of becoming in a reimagining of a salon-style gathering in a digital space.” Click on the above image to visit the site and listen to the interview recorded at the height of the pandemic.

The Bronx Artist Documentary Project

I was documented at work in my Bronx studio by Melissa Bunni Elian, a detail of one of the photos can be seen at the top of this page.

From the BXADP site— The Bronx Artist Documentary Project, created in 2014, was a borough-wide collaborative endeavor involving Bronx photographers documenting Bronx visual artists at work in their studios or other Bronx venues.

The project was designed to increase awareness of the visual artists who work in the Bronx and who enrich the cultural fabric of the borough with their art.

Click on the image above to read more about the project and purchase the book.

Nikki Jumper Portrait Swap

The wonderful photographer/singer and friend of mine Nikki Jumper and I collaborated on a portrait swap. I flew to Canada one weekend so we could brainstorm looks for a shoot and these fantastic pics were the result. I then painted her portrait from a self-portrait of her own.

Where Angels Fear To Tread, Portrait of Nikki Jumper, 18 x 24 in. Oil, gold leaf and ground glass on canvas mounted to panel. In Private Collection.

Become a Partner

If you have a project you think I might be a good fit for or a podcast you’d like have me on as a guest please feel free to message me below. I’m always looking to broaden my horizons.